Get a Leadership Coach

The target is to produce the results you want by creating a large amount of change in a short amount of time while having fun. Yes, you can!

What's a leadership coach?

A leadership coach is not a supervisor who directs what you do. She isn’t a consultant who gives expert answers to solve your problems. She is someone who walks alongside you and guides the path towards clarity of your hopes, dreams and goals in your leadership capabilities, career, and overall life. A great coach is curious and open-minded, using questions to assist you in discovering what’s next. She brings in experience to the dialogue and helps you look inward to affirm an answer. Most importantly, a coach believes you are whole, creative and resourceful with a willingness to equip you to be your best.

What's special about this?

A leadership coach is someone on your corner who values you with a willingness to hold you to things you say you’re committed to changing. Accountability is a big thing between the coach and you. The relationship creates the space where you get to move closer and closer towards achieving what you want. Regular discussions are tailored to your current situation and progress.

Is it for you?

Think of something in your leadership, career, and life that you’ve wanted but haven’t reached. Can you afford to keep searching, fumbling or missing the mark? What’s at stake by not taking a bolder step towards this aspiration? How might your life be different if you created this thing that you’ve always wanted?


Michelle’s Coaching Approach

I come alongside you on the path of transformation and change.

I believe in your potential as a human being, and it is my privilege to guide your discoveries about what is around the next corner. I lead my life with love for God, self and others. You’ll be delighted to experience this during our work together.

Your dreams, hopes and goals guide the coaching work.

My focus is to hold you capable and resourceful to what you say you want to be, do and have. I am here for accountability on progress, give feedback on behaviors and motivate you to create habits that are resourceful and beneficial.

I am a practitioner of the work and a student of life.

I do not suggest anything that I have not embraced myself. I am a consummate learner. I will ask powerful questions to stretch your mind and perceptions.

I live with integrity.

I seek joy in commitment as an expression of living fully. You will see me as I am. I believe that modeling authenticity cultivates a trust-based coach-client relationship.


This week grew and stretched me in ways I never thought possible. It was like God was saying to me, "You are capable. You are unshakable. You say these words everyday, but today you will live them." I am proud of how the week ended. I really do feel like a new person. I feel unapologetically confident. — Joy Ravela

Michelle is a natural coach, who helped me overcome my imposter syndrome. While I've always been described as an overachiever, I found myself lacking in confidence as I climbed the corporate ladder. Working together, I was surprised by Michelle's open and honest communication style--a perfect balance between her intellectual and emotional intelligence. Michelle helped me fight off my office insecurities while finding my voice as a seasoned veteran within my industry. If you're looking for a personalized path towards success, this is the coach for you!" — Mikhail Chernyavsky

Michelle is an intentional, thought-provoking and highly empathetic professional. We developed a bond and created an environment where we celebrated each other and our respective achievements. When I received my first offer letter from the company I work for now, Michelle was the first person I called to share the news with. She helped propel my confidence, fine-tune my interview presence, and tailor my wordsmithing abilities throughout my job searching period. She helped me understand what I deserve from an employer, and how to communicate those criterions in a professional manner. In more ways than I can accurately articulate, Michelle helped me land my first job. She is incredibly humble, respectful, and intentional with her words and advice. Michelle is the leader, educator, mentor, and friend I aspire to be, and I am exceptionally fortunate to have gotten to learn from someone so deeply invested in others. — Ellen Cruise