It takes but one choice to change the rest of your life.

You are a one-of-a-kind individual. You are more than enough!

You are a one-of-a-kind individual. You are more than enough!


Two Mindsets | Key Principles of the Growth Mindset

Sixteen years ago, Dr. Carol Dweck introduced her findings after conducting psychological research on success. The way you and I achieve and experience success, failures and everything in between links back to how our brains operate, the mindset we apply to life choices. I’ve written two blogs that explain what you need to know to cultivate a growth mindset for yourself and with others.


Leadership in Your Mind

Great leaders are consummate learners about different subjects not only for knowledge sake or mastery of something but also to keep the mind engaged.

One way I keep my mind alert is by learning what thought leaders are writing about. I have a book that I listen to when I am driving, and several books that I read when I’m on the couch.

My encouragement to you is to become curious enough about something and explore the topic intellectually.

Leadership in Your Body

Seasoned, successful leaders remember to include self-care in their lifestyle. The physical and emotional aspects of your body require conscious attention. This is about making it a priority to get enough rest, consuming optimal nutrition, moving around enough, and enjoying the lighter side of life.

Having healthy wholesome relationships is also an aspect of self care.

How are you placing a priority on your bodily needs today?

Leadership in Your Soul

Amazing leaders that I know and respect possess qualities and characteristics which describe their soul - who they are at a deep level. I’m not talking about the roles and accolades they have. It’s about who they are BEing.

Think of a leader who you admire. How would you describe this leader? The adjectives and words you use is like a peak into the leader’s essence.

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Hello! I’m Michelle Riddell.